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事情发生的经过: 洪水退去,恢复工作开始进行,北卡罗来纳州人开始对这场可能是自1999年飓风弗洛伊德以来袭击该州的最具破坏性的飓风进行真正的评估. 

单词释义: 一项估计是北卡罗来纳州受损的住宅和商业财产的数量, South Carolina 和 Virginia at 700,000, with the bulk of them in this state. 

利用: A special legislative 会话 will be held Oct. 2 to begin providing some state aid to address the disaster, with the expection of meeting a week later to do more. 

北卡罗来纳州东南部的复苏之路还很长, 不幸的是, with a contentious election season also in full bloom, political wrangling around the recovery effort has already begun.


The hard work of hurricane re​covery has begun in towns 和 横跨北卡罗来纳州东南部的城市,我们希望这些信息 follows is helpful in that task. It remains crucial to work through county 应急管理办公室负责协调地方,州和联邦 努力.

This School of Government temporary website 提供了一个 一系列与恢复相关的信息,包括联邦应急管理局的规则,以及最近的 张贴了一个联邦应急管理局灾难成本文档电子表格,可以用来帮助满足 使您能够有最佳的机会获得资格 expenses reimbursed. This 信息 sheet provides 信息 on rules related to debris removal in order to receive reimbursement by FEMA. N.C. 应急管理部门也警告地方政府,联邦应急管理局 没有所谓的“直接行政费用”规则就无法签订合同 公开招标,除非合同在1万美元以下的小额采购 阈值.

N.C. Building Inspectors Association, in collaboration 与州消防局长办公室合作,成立了一个应急小组来协助 communities with abnormal inspection load. To make use of this resource, 请与您当地的应急管理代表联系并请求协助 从灾难代码执行响应小组(DCERT)或查找其他 信息 在这里.​ It is important to note that state law requires 在电力恢复之前,对被淹的房屋和企业进行电气检查 恢复.

The Golden Leaf Foundation is managing distribution of funds 穿过北方.C. 佛罗伦萨飓风救济基金,由国家设立的慈善灾难援助基金. Grant funds may be awarded to 当地政府单位和501(c)3非营利免税组织,以及 合资格的项目包括提供临时住房和租金援助 和 provision of emergency supplies. Projects must be located in a county under the federal disaster declaration. Find more about the relief fund 在这里.

与此同时, in response to storm, 水务基础设施司已延长完成秋季水务基础设施申请的最后期限. The deadline has been extended more than a month, to Oct. 31. Find more 信息 在这里.​​​​

In response to the 损害 caused by Hurricane Florence, legislators will return to Raleigh on Oct. 2 for a special 会话 to consider a disaster relief package. The 会话 will focus on immediate concerns including 对日间学校停课的教育人员的补偿 风暴,学校日历的灵活性,解决任何影响联邦助手的障碍, 推迟一些小企业的纳税期限,为灾难相关账户提供资金 和 adjusting vehicle title replacement policies. Legislators are expected to return again on ​Oct. 9 to address other needs identified by state 机构. Read 和 hear ​more about the special 会话 在这里
In Washington, the U.S. House passed legislation this week that would provide $1.7 billion for disaster assistance largely aimed 他注视着佛罗伦萨的受害者,希望以后能得到更多的援助. 北 据信,卡罗来纳州的农民和牲畜种植者遭受的损失超过 $1.据该州称,这场风暴造成了10亿美元的损失 Department of Agriculture. And the 损害 was so extensive at UNC-Wilmington that classes will not restart until Oct. 8. Florence has also disrupted 地方选举办公室的运作,但州选举委员会和 当地董事会表示,他们仍在11月之前完成最后期限 选举. This week also marked the first time since the storm that all I-95和I-40的部分路段已经重新开放,改善了通往一些城市的交通 storm-ravaged communities including Wilmington. Nonetheless, roughly 270 sections 周四仍有多条道路关闭,其中许多道路严重受损 损害. Read more about the state of the Florence response 在这里在这里.

北卡罗来纳号 League of Municipalities has unveiled an 阿片类药物的解决方案 Toolbox designed to better help member cities 和 towns address the epidemic of opioid abuse across the state. The toolbox, which can be found 在NCLM网站上 在这里, 包括来自地面战斗的警察局长的真实建议 阿片类药物流行,并实施了一些项目,这些项目正在发挥作用. NLCM主席和杰克逊维尔市长迈克尔·拉扎拉,他领导了 努力创建这一资源,他说,希望突出最佳实践将 鼓励更多的社区采用有效的方案,同时认识到这一点 no single idea will work in all communities.“Our law enforcement leaders tell us we cannot arrest our way out of this problem. We can, though, find better 如何促进预防、加强执法和改善治疗,”拉扎拉说 说. 你也可以了解更多关于当地的努力 365足彩下载广受好评的播客《365足彩下载》(市政方程)的最新一集找到了 在这里.​​

State agency staff offered several suggestions Wednesday to 协助面临供水系统运作挑战的地方政府. The suggestions were made in response to 考试 of water systems’ fiscal health 和 operations by an interim legislative committee​. At the outset, the presenters acknowledged 在大多数情况下,人口和商业损失或 natural disasters have led to the water systems’ distress. 作为回应, 主持人-监督国家水利基础设施基金和地方的专家 政府财政——建议立法机关拨款数百万 annually to fund solutions. They 说 those solutions could include 区域化和其他安排的目的是使这些水系统处于一种 path toward long-term viability. A representative from the Office of State 财政部长戴尔•福尔韦尔(Dale Folwell)还敦促委员会成员考虑创建一个 一类被称为“历史特许状”的市政当局,他们会放弃一些 征税权归县政府,但将由选举产生 municipal board 和 limited municipal services. Legislators indicated an 对提议的所有想法都感兴趣,并同意一旦他们同意,将进一步考虑 received formal endorsement from agency heads later this fall. 最终, 委员会将在2019年立法会议上提出立法建议 会话. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A 新报告 来自全国城市365足彩下载(National League of Cities)的专家建议,各城市可以调整其回收计划,以适应中国最终将全面禁止固体废物进口的政策. NLC ​CEO 和 执行董事 Clarence Anthony 他说,城市需要更加批判性地思考废物管理问题国内市场的机遇和发展摆在禁令面前. 中国历史上一直是可回收材料的巨大进口国,以满足其制造业的需求, 正因为如此,对城镇收集的许多可回收物的需求一直是一个关键驱动因素, including paper ​​和 plastics. 今年早些时候,中国的新政策禁止纸张和塑料混合使用, 和 is set to ban all solid waste imports beginning in 2020. ​ ​