
League Bulletin

July 12, 2019

​WHAT HAPPENED: Jones Street surged back to lawmaking business after the previous week's soft schedule.
WHAT IT MEANS: The end is near? The General Assembly is by all accounts disposing of final bill considerations before adjournment, 可能是7月22日 八月底的复会 is in discussion. There's also that one big piece of state governance to complete: the budget.
ON TAP: 你会想起政府. 罗伊·库珀否决了大会发给他的预算, 部分原因是该州没有扩大医疗补助计划, which 仍然是争论的焦点 在两边之间. So far, 推翻否决的努力并未取得成功, 尽管共和党领导人表示他们仍在努力. 众议院通过了一项 补充拨款法案 与此同时,等待参议院的行动. 
​​​​THE SKINNY: While the legislature may be concluding the current slate of bill work, 活跃度很高,我们一直在跟踪它. 在此公告中, we'll detail what happened with a number of bills of interest to cities and towns, touching everything from short-term rentals to electric scooters to regulatory reform and more. 

面对对地方法规优先执行的强烈担忧,a 短期租赁建议 在周三的第一次听证会上未能取得进展. 提案,提交到 House State & 地方政府委员会 在此之前,该公司一直未公开. Numerous committee members—including former local elected officials—objected due to the sweeping preemption language contained in the bill. They stated that it would not only preempt all existing short-term rental ordinances, but it would also potentially preempt most local ordinances related to single-family residential zoning.​
Although House leaders called in three of the four voting ex-officio committee members to boost the number of votes in favor of the proposal, 该法案的支持者最终撤回了该法案. Instead, they said they would rework the proposal to include a study of the topic, plus a moratorium that could bar some new ordinances for the duration of the study. 该法案最终可能包括这一条款的计划, 哪个委员会会考虑, 是未知的吗. The League opposed the proposal and thanks the many House committee members who vocalized their opposition during the committee discussion. 365足彩下载还特别感谢该法案的支持者, who agreed to modify future proposals to address these serious concerns. Read more coverage of this committee discussion in the article, “Opposition stalls legislation blocking city efforts to regulate AirBnB rentals,​” from WRAL.

After much negotiation with the League and other local government interests, a modified 除罪条例草案 advanced in the House Wednesday with a favorable report from the House Judiciary Committee. 现在,我们不再将所有地方法令合法化, SB 584刑法改革 would allow local governments to retain criminal enforcement of their local codes, 有一个重要的警告:如果当地政府是一个超过1的城市,人口1000万, 或者一个超过20人的县,人口1000万, it would need to submit a report that lists of all of its ordinances that were punishable by a criminal penalty. 如果联合国大会在11月11日之前没有收到这份报告. 1, 2019, then that local government’s code of ordinances would immediately become enforceable only by civil penalties. 立法机关去年制定了这项报告要求, 数百个地方政府已经遵守了规定. 该法案接下来必须由众议院规则委员会听取. 城市和城镇尤其感谢 Rep. Dennis Riddell​ for his consideration of local government concerns in working to revise the bill. 

本周,一些与酒精有关的法案获得了进展,包括 HB 536 ABC综合监管改革, which passed the House with language that would allow the sale of more than one alcoholic beverage to a single patron at a time; allow the consumption of alcohol at bingo games and farmers markets; place restriction on the establishment of new Alcoholic Beverage Control boards; ​enable a local option for spirituous liquor tastings in ABC stores; and allow local ABC boards to deliver liquor to mixed-beverage permittees for a fee. 与此同时,众议院通过了该法案 SB 290 ABC监管改革法案, which contains language similar to HB 536 but originally pertained to distilleries. The bill has gone back to the Senate for concurrence; H536 has been referred to the 参议院规则委员会.

电动摩托车: 参议院对本届会议进行了第一次投票 SB 620电动站立滑板车 this week, advancing the bill through its first committee hearing. The League appreciates the willingness of primary sponsor and Senate Municipal Caucus co-chair Sen. Floyd McKissick to convert problematic language in Section 4 of the filed bill to a study. Now, the bill contains previously negotiated language to define electric standup scooters, plus directions to the Legislative Research Commission to study the many facets of scooter regulation.
土地使用诉讼/规划法规重写: Gov. 罗伊·库珀昨天签署成为法律 sb355土地使用规管变更, a major proposal affecting land use litigation practices as well as a rewrite of the primary statutes affecting local land use planning. 在大会通过之前, the League negotiated significant improvements to the bill; read more detail about those negotiations in 过去的通讯报道.
开发审查和检查: A 广泛的法案 related to local development review and inspections processes cleared both legislative chambers this week and will be sent to the governor for his consideration. 在这次立法会议的早些时候, the League secured changes to extend the amount of time for residential plan review from two days to 15, and also to remove a problematic provision related to installation of backflow prevention devices on irrigation lines.
监管改革: Both the House and Senate appointed members to the conference committee for sb553 2019年监管改革法案 this week. The move is noteworthy due to the potential for additional items to be added to the bill during the conference process, 哪些是在不向公众开放的会议上举行的. While the bill currently does not contain provisions of great concern to cities, 国联将密切监测会议谈判情况.
经济适用房: SB 316经济适用房 has passed both chambers and went to the governor's desk Thursday. The bill directs certain municipalities to report to the General Assembly strategies they're employing to limit the cost of privately developed housing, subsidies, 保留现有的中等收入住房, 以及其他与经济适用房相关的活动.
Infrastructure: ​SB 68重置供水/污水管道费用 收到了良好的报告 众议院州和地方政府委员会 并已被送到 内务规则委员会. The bill would amend law on nonbetterment costs municipalities pay for the relocation of water and sewer lines, 说明人口在25人之间的自治市,000 and 100,(从目前的50美元有所改变),我们将支付50%的费用, 而100岁的人,000元或以上应支付100%的费用. 
