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League Bulletin

May 26, 2017

The House is expected to unveil, debate and approve its proposed version of the state budget next week, though components have already surfaced in documents considered by budget subcommittees on Thursday. While House Speaker Tim Moore says the spending target is the same as that of the Senate's recently approved budget -- $22.9 billion -- his chamber proposes to allocate that money differently in many areas. The committee documents included several items of interest to cities and towns, and the League has assembled an easy to read chart to help you follow it all, by topic. Among items of interest (all subject to change with amendments):

  • Establishes a new Site and Building Development Fund, 哪些将支持现场获取和现场准备,以吸引主要制造业雇主, and appropriates a total of $12.7 million to the fund.
  • 向清洁水管理信托基金提供额外拨款,以支援解决水污染问题的拨款. The revised net appropriation for CWMTF grants is $16.5 million in FY 2017-18 and $13.5 million in FY 2018-19.
  • Provides an additional $1 million in this fiscal year for Main Street Solutions grants, 哪些是给地方政府的规划和小企业援助,旨在振兴市中心.
  • Allocates a total of $43.每财政年度拨给CDBG基金500万美元,用于以下用途:, economic development ($10.74 million), infrastructure ($21.72 million), and administration ($1.04 million). Disallows a re-allocation of the infrastructure-designated funds, even in times of emergency.
  • 呼吁研究地方政府的水和下水道费率以及公共企业服务的基金间转移.
  • Appropriates $250,在本两年期内,每年为与威尔明顿市合作的一个试点项目提供6 000美元,以建立一个快速反应小组,以解决没有得到后续治疗的过量服用鸦片剂和海洛因受害者的需要.
  • 在2017-18年度提供200万美元,用于地方和县执法机构购买和使用穿戴式或仪表盘摄像头,以及培训和相关费用. Agencies can receive up to $100,000. Grants must be matched by agencies on a 1-to-1 basis.
  • 为急需的建筑项目设立一个新基金,并在经常性资金中拨出3 000万美元. $24 million of the fund will be divided equally among 14 Transportation Division Engineers, 剩下的600万美元将提供给交通部长,用于经济发展项目.
  • 包括一项政策变更,该政策变更将实现NCLM的目标,即在选择通过州交通改善计划(STIP)过程资助的交通项目时,修改给予州交通工程师和地方官员的权重, as in HB 81 STI/Regiona & Division Weighting.

There are many more provisions of interest to read through in the League's breakdown chart (and here's the Senate version), while media coverage fleshes out some of the other big ticket items, themes and differences from the Senate plan. 众议院预算预计将于周二提交给众议院财政委员会,并可能在周四和周五进行投票. 众议院和参议院稍后将不得不调和他们的总体提案之间的分歧,以便大会将最终版本提交给州长.

本周,一项由行业支持的提案清除了众议院全体投票前的最后障碍,该提案旨在实施地方政府对小型蜂窝无线设施的全面监管程序. HB 310 Wireless Communications Infrastructure Act received a favorable vote from the House Finance Committee after a brief committee presentation and discussion, in which primary bill sponsor Rep. Jason Saine noted the League's willingness to engage in productive, extensive negotiations on the bill. The full House vote could come as early as next week. Small cell facilities typically consist of an antenna, utility pole, and ground-mounted equipment box. Throughout negotiations, 365足彩下载力求确保各城市保留对公共安全等关切事项的监督, space between facilities, aesthetics and appearance, utility undergrounding policies, and historic districts. 365足彩下载还协商了其他条款,比提交的法案版本更有利于城市. Contact: Erin Wynia

这项立法将削弱地方对广告牌的控制,并可能提高道路和其他公共项目的成本。该立法本周在众议院一个委员会获得通过,下周可能会被考虑进行投票. HB 581 Revisions to Outdoor Advertising Laws 该法案已于周二获得众议院财政委员会的批准,最早将于下周二得到众议院全体成员的审议.

365足彩下载主席和西布伦市长鲍勃·马西尼与365足彩下载工作人员一起出席了委员会听证会,并准备发言, but comments were restricted to two speakers, including Secretary of Transportation Jim Trogdon. Like the League, the state DOT opposes the bill.

The legislation would allow billboards to be relocated in ways that they currently cannot, 有可能破坏精心制定的地方愿景和地方计划,这些计划旨在为城镇带来经济增长和就业机会. 当其中一个建筑因公共建筑项目而被废弃时,可以考虑标识的未来收益,而不是简单的公平市场价值, the costs to taxpayers for those projects could rise substantially.

League staff has been making these concerns known to legislators, 并继续鼓励议员与他们的立法者联系,讨论该法案对城镇造成有害影响的可能性.

The League would like to thank one of the bill's sponsors, Rep. David Lewis of Dunn, for acknowledging those concerns and Reps. Jay Adams of Hickory, Deb Butler of Wilmington and Scott Stone of Charlotte for raising issues related to the loss of local control during the committee hearing. Contact: Erin Wynia

一项采用365足彩下载建议的语言为基础设施建设提供特别融资机制的法案获得了欧盟委员会的批准 Senate Finance Committee this week after amendments. HB 158 Assessments/Critical Infrastructure would extend existing assessment authorities to allow cities and counties to fund infrastructure projects for private development. Existing authority allows local governments, at the request of property owners, 对要求安装道路、供水或污水管道等基础设施的业主征收“特别估价”. 评估所得用于偿还地方政府发行的收入债券,为基础设施的安装提供资金.

HB 158将允许与县或市签订协议的开发商自行支付基础设施安装费用. 然后,当地政府将使用特别评估来偿还开发商的投资. 民盟建议的措辞包括确保评估行动是自愿的,地方政府只欠开发商评估产生的收入, less any administrative costs. 本周通过的一项修正案还允许市或县通过采用分区条例要求开发商提供履约担保或保证金. The League thanks Sen. Tommy Tucker for that beneficial addition. Contact: Sarah Collins

Sen. Deanna Ballard of Blowing Rock discusses the value of local tourism in Raleigh on Wednesday. Photo credit: Ben Brown

For Sen. Deanna Ballard of Blowing Rock, and according to a brand new study on tourism impacts, 度假小镇是北卡罗来纳州经济的一股强大力量,为该州带来了巨大的收入回报. "They provide tremendous comfort, recreational activities, Southern hospitality and unprecedented beauty that you will not find anywhere else," Senator Ballard told a gathering of League-affiliate group N.C. Resort Towns and Convention Cities (RTCC) on Wednesday in Raleigh. That allure added up last year to $22.9 billion 在北卡罗莱纳州的游客消费中,巧合的是,这与大会为该州的新预算提议的金额相同. But while these small-population destination towns are paying big dividends, they also face unique budgetary and resource challenges locally in support of that visitorship.

摘自2015年的州和县级数据(可获得完整数据的最近年份), a new study from Carolina Demography, part of the UNC Chapel Hill Carolina Population Center, reports that travelers and tourists to North Carolina contributed $1.7 billion in state and local tax revenues for the year and directly supported 211,000 jobs generating $5.2 billion in wages -- numbers that may have increased in 2016. Officials from across the state -- Blowing Rock to Nags Head -- heard the figures on Wednesday in a presentation from report author Rebecca Tippet, director of Carolina Demography.

But the desirable numbers don't tell the whole story, Tippett noted. "It's really easy to focus on the income and the revenue generated by tourism, 但是,所有这些在县和州一级很容易获得的好处,通常都是在地方一级产生成本之后," she explained. 从山区到沿海的目的地市政当局必须为季节性人口激增所需的服务腾出大量空间,并投入大量资金. 这项研究引用了橡树岛助理城镇经理丽莎·斯蒂斯的话说:“我们全年的人口不到8人,000, but we have to build sewer (capacity) to cover motels, large rental homes, and second homes/vacation homes at full capacity" during the week of July 4. The town's residential water usage, for example, 这个数字是这一时期的三倍,必须有足够的基础设施来满足,远远超过常住人口的需要. That's not an isolated example, nor is it the biggest. The high months are also sensitive for service delivery and public safety response, as calls can easily double. "All of these require personnel to be able to meet those needs," said Tippett, whose full study will be made available soon. Senator Ballard, in her separate remarks, underscored the importance of support for these communities. "It's healthy for us here in Raleigh to continue to support you for years to come," she said.

这些挑战并没有动摇城市和城镇的奉献精神,他们必须提供最好的服务和能力,以促进就业和生活质量,促进区域和全州经济, 正如RTCC成员在周三访问联合国大会期间向他们的立法者传达的那样. One proposal currently under consideration at the General Assembly, HB 900 Safe Infrastructure and Low Property Tax Act from Reps. Stephen Ross and Jason Saine, would offer municipalities great help on resources. 它将为城镇提供额外的选择,为关键的基础设施和经济发展投资筹集收入. 该法案将允许市政当局寻求选民对三种新收入来源之一的批准:仅限市政征收25美分的销售税, a prepared meals tax, or an occupancy tax. If voters consented, any proceeds must be spent on local infrastructure projects or economic development. The Pilot newspaper of Southern Pines this week published an article that explains the need for the bill.

参议院周四透露,它打算在众议院的综合环境法案中增加多项条款, 包括一个从财产税税基中排除部分财产,这些财产受国家要求的特定缓冲规则的约束, designating that property as a special class. This provision was included in the Senate’s proposed committee substitute to HB 56 Amend Environmental Laws, which was released for discussion only in the Senate Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee. In addition to this provision being burdensome for property tax assessors to implement, 365足彩下载党担心,该提案是一项没有资金支持的州命令,会在没有国家补偿的情况下降低财产税收入. The League thanks Sens. Angela Bryant and Mike Woodard for expressing similar concerns on behalf of local governments. The committee will likely vote on the bill next week. Contact: Sarah Collins

一项旨在调整市政选举时间表以解决州选举委员会发现的时间问题的法案于周五通过 House Elections and Ethics Law committee on Thursday. HB 843 Municipal Election Schedule & Other Changes 建议在奇数年调整市政选举时间表,以适应其他州的选举要求. 调整包括改变某些初选日期和候选人申请日期,以及取消要求进行第二次初选的权利. Contact: Sarah Collins
周四,参议员撤回了一项有问题的土地使用上诉措施,该措施最初被纳入今年的《365体育足彩》法案. The provision, identical to one in SB 642 Burden of Proof -- Planning and Zoning, 是否会颠覆一个多世纪以来建立的法律,这些法律涉及对这类地方政府决定的上诉. In making changes to appeals procedures -- such as which party bears the burden of proof, 以及证据标准——该提案将使调整委员会的听证会与下一级审查(即高等法院)的上诉不一致,也不可能协调一致。. Prior to a vote on the Farm Act, bill proponents Sens. Brent Jackson and Andy Wells told members of the Senate Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee that they recognized many concerns with this provision, 他们打算解决这些问题,并在晚些时候提出上诉条款的替代版本. Cities and towns appreciate these Senate leaders, as well as SB 642 primary sponsor Sen. Paul Newton, for their willingness to consider revisions. Contact: Erin Wynia

Mayors across the U.S. continue to name economic development their top issue, according to the National League of Cities' latest annual analysis of state-of-the-city speeches. 这是一个持续的趋势:在过去四年或更长时间里,经济发展一直是市长们最关注的城市状况. Public safety, like last year, was the second biggest topic in 2017 speeches. Infrastructure followed third. Other top-10 focuses this year were budgets, energy and environment, and data and technology.

“在将技术纳入政府程序方面,城市正变得越来越具有创新性," the report notes, 科技应用旨在简化客户服务或扩大服务不足地区的准入,而官员们则关注自动驾驶汽车等革命性技术。a recent topic on the League's podcast, Municipal Equation). The point of the analysis is to better understand the context and direction of American cities today, NLC says. The full 36-page report (and media coverage of it) provides depth to each of the U.S. mayors' top-10 focuses. 今年分析的120个城市国情咨文演讲中,有两个来自北卡罗来纳州:威尔明顿(市长比尔·萨弗)和罗利(市长南希·麦克法兰)。.

We're back with a brand new episode of Municipal Equation, the League's biweekly podcast all about municipalities in changing times. 概要:在创新和创业精神的推动下,现在有太多的城市和城镇出现了惊人的反弹. But what's missing? As innovation economies grow, we keep hearing more and more about the need for "inclusive innovation" in cities. But are we clear on what that entails? On this episode, 我们前往达勒姆(Durham)——一个以创新为主的城市,这里充满了各种活动——与一位这方面的权威会面. Christopher Gergen, an entrepreneurial leader and head of inclusive innovation collaborative Forward Cities, says the stakes are nothing to ignore. Listen and hear why. All past episodes of are at and on iTunes, where you may leave a friendly review of the show. Send feedback and ideas for episodes to host/producer Ben Brown.

该州发布了一种创新的新方法来绘制北卡罗莱纳州各地的互联网速度, with a goal of improving situations for the underserved. "Reliable internet access is crucial for helping businesses grow, students learn, and communities connect to the wider world," Gov. Roy Cooper said in a press release on Wednesday. "This new tool will identify areas that need better access to broadband." People can report their Internet speeds at home and at work through this new mapping tool, launched by the N.C. Department of Information Technology's Broadband Infrastructure Office. Municipal leaders may inform their residents about this new tool, the homepage for which includes a tutorial for users. Basically, 用户输入一个家庭或公司地址,并按照简单的步骤报告那里的网速. 这些数据将填充一个全州地图,显示这些不同的速度,特别是显示最需要的地区,并将有助于向联邦通信委员会报告更准确的覆盖信息. "Access to high-speed internet is crucial these days," said State Chief Information Officer Eric Boyette, “这项技术将使我们离确保北卡罗来纳人获得他们所需的服务更近一步,这让我感到鼓舞。, regardless of their geographic location throughout the State."

Municipal officials from around the country are voicing concern with components of the Trump Administration's budget proposal and impacts it could bear on the nation's cities and towns with cuts to key funding programs. Groups like the National League of Cities are pointing out 小城镇可能会受到不成比例的伤害,这些小城镇将很难弥补拟议的回退所造成的损失. 白宫无视700多名敦促政府保护关键项目的市政官员, including Community Development Block Grants, TIGER grants and the HOME Investment Partnership Program. These vital programs allow communities to invest in public safety, economic development and infrastructure, and create private-sector jobs," NLC President and Cleveland City Councilmember Matt Zone said in a statement. Route Fifty reported that President Trump’s $4.1万亿美元的提案坚持了他在3月份提出的框架,减少了几个项目的资金,这些项目以住房和基础设施的方式帮助社区. The National Association of Counties also weighed in. 他说:“我们非常担心,这项拟议的预算基本上放弃了联邦政府在联邦-州-地方政府间伙伴关系中的作用,而这对解决我们国家最紧迫的挑战至关重要," NACo Executive Director Matthew Chase said in a statement. NLC and NACo are asking Congress to develop a new plan.
