


事情发生的经过: 参议院正在春假. 休完春假回来的豪斯. 最后的账单提交截止日期. 撤回我们一直在讨论的有争议的法案. 国家预算工作. (还有很多人在想 某个冰球队.) 
单词释义: 也许是卡罗莱纳飓风, 为斯坦利杯垂钓, 本周有什么合适的符号吗, given the eye-of-the-storm feeling on Jones Street with its deceptive quietude. As lawmakers enjoyed their break and left calm hallways at the 立法 Building, 预算工作在立法机关内部继续进行, 繁忙的最后期限到来了. 
利用: 一阵阵的工作, 最有可能的, 随着预算准备工作的继续和思想的“交叉”,,目前定于5月9日举行, 根据立法日历. 一般, that's when bills need to have passed the House or 森ate to remain eligible (and always makes for a high-pulse​ late night at the General Assembly). 
瘦子: 马上就要忙起来了, and we saw winks of that this morning (Friday) as budget committees got together to roll out 建议s for the big draft (including some of interest to cities and towns and discussed in this Bulletin) that the House hopes to vote on and send the 森ate soon. 其他法案将在交叉切断的情况下紧急通过. (与此同时, 我们一起去吧!)

An omnibus 建议 related to local building inspection processes would require an initial local review of residential building plans within 15 days of plan submission. 这一提议, HB 675 2019建筑规范监管改革在听证会后,美国股市昨日上涨 房子的状态 & 地方政府委员会. 不像对商业建筑的强制性审查, 当地对住宅规划的审查是可选的. 然而, property owners in jurisdictions providing this service receive discounts on flood insurance rates. 也, 在其他项目中, the bill would disallow local governments 从 mandating a minimum square footage for residential structures. 请将这些项目和账单中的其他项目反馈给 NCLM首席立法顾问Erin Wynia说.

A bill opposed by cities and towns for its impacts to local tree ordinances has been withdrawn, 据报道. 森. 汤姆·麦金尼斯,他赞助了 SB 367澄清业主的权利, announced in a statement that he had received comments 从 both sides of the issue and could not reach consensus, 据《365体育足彩》报道 南松. "This bill has been robustly debated and discussed,” the newspaper quoted of 森. 麦金尼斯引用了他的声明. 365足彩下载 曾敦促成员 to contact their legislators in opposition to the bill for its impacts on local authority and for the preservation of locally decided character and quality of life. 《365体育足彩》 之前所讨论 居民和市政领导对该法案的担忧. 365足彩下载 thanks its members for their quick attention to this issue and 森. McInnis仔细考虑了反馈. 

增加了鲍威尔法案的资金——一个重要的 365体育足彩目标 of cities and towns -- is just one early feature of the House budget expected on the voting floor before long. House appropriations committees -- covering individual budget topics 从 transportation to public safety to education to information technology and more -- reconvened this week (and on Friday morning, as of this writing) to go over 建议s for the broader draft spending bill. 细节还在后面, the committees' reports reveal some components of the House budget of interest to cities and towns. 

在鲍威尔-比尔基金中 房屋交通预算 包括162美元.3 million in fiscal year 2020 and $177 million in fiscal year 2021 for municipalities to maintain road infrastructure. 这是额外的14美元.明年7500万美元,然后再增加14美元.接下来的一年是7500万美元. The transportation recommendations also include a restoration of funds in the State Maintenance Assistance ​Program, 或SMAP, 哪一个支持公交系统——另一个市政365体育足彩目标. 进一步, 该计划为商业机场增加了7500万美元的经常性资金, 再次谈到公共交通的目标.  

The House budget is a recommendation that must conform with 森ate priorities for a final draft the legislature can approve and send the governor for consideration. 365足彩下载 will be working to summarize the full budget when released and will share its components with cities and towns. 

上周参议院通过了一项相同的法案 建议 by electric membership cooperatives to expand rural broadband service received a supportive vote by the 众议院能源和公用事业委员会 周四. Committee members praised the cooperatives for stepping forward with a solution to a critical economic development issue facing the state. 双胞胎账单, 每一项都得到了超过四分之三的参众两院议员的支持, would clear out statutory hurdles and allow cooperatives to partner with private entities in providing broadband service. This concept is similar to the public-private partnership model that would be authorized by the League-supported 纤维数控法案.​ If enacted, the 纤维数控法案 would realize one of the top goals of municipal officials this session.

A bill to study water rate structures of municipalities swiftly moved through a House committee hearing and both of its floor votes Thursday. HB 522研究室外水价 会否授权就差饷进行临时立法研究, with a particular focus on the differences in rates set for customers inside a municipal jurisdiction or outside its jurisdiction. 在公用事业委员会听证会上,委员会委员 代表. Derwin蒙哥马利, 前市议会成员, commented that because municipal residents assumed the financial risks associated with building a system and invested in it over time, 他们应该享受低利率带来的好处. 该法案现在已提交参议院审议.

A bill filed on deadline in the House seeks to eliminate the state Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) system of selling and distributing spiritous liquor in favor of a privatized sale and distribution system overseen by the N.C. 美国广播公司(ABC)委员会. HB 971现代酒精管制执照模式代表. 查克•麦迪 4月25日是众议院新法案的最后一天. 在建立新制度的过程中, this bill would abolish all local ABC boards and remove many related authorities 从 the 美国广播公司(ABC)委员会’s current powers. It would also remove 从 local law enforcement the authority to investigate establishments with ABC permits, 把这个权力留给国家特工. Local governments could hold referenda under this bill asking voters to approve retail sales of "off-premises spiritous liquor,“在杂货店之类的地方, 独立的酒类商店, 和餐馆, subject to the same conditions currently in state law for ABC store elections. 该法案目前在国会 众议院ABC委员会

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